姓 名:陈日曌
性 别:男
职 称:教授
2004/09 - 2010/07,吉林农业大学,博士研究生,获农学博士学位
2001/09 - 2004/07,吉林农业大学,硕士研究生,获农业昆虫与害虫防治硕士学位
1993/09 - 1997/07,东北师范大学,本科学生,获学士学位
1997.08- 2018.05吉林农业大学农学院教师
2018.05- 吉林农业大学植物保护学院,教授,博士生导师
1. 基于性诱措施绿色防控水稻二化螟关键技术研究,吉林省科技厅,2013-2015,10万元;
2. 吉林省稻区性诱防治二化螟关键技术研究与应用,吉林省外专局,2012-2012,5万元;
3. 二化螟等水稻害虫加强型诱芯关键技术研究,吉林省外专局,2013-2013,5万元;
4. 基于性诱措施绿色防控二化螟关键技术研究,吉林省教育厅,2013-2015,3万元;
5. 吉农大23号新品种等高效栽培及二化螟防控关键技术,长春市科技局,2013-2015,15万元;
6. 稻鸭共育综合治理水稻重大虫害示范与研究,长春市科技局,2009-2012,10万元;
7. 超弱光下二化螟蛾行为机制及防御对策的研究吉林省教育厅,2007-2011,3万元;
8. 信息素条件下玉米螟行为机理和防控技术,吉林省科技厅,2015-2017,10万元;
9. 传承儒家教育思想,进行大学专业课程教学活动高效创新模式研究与实践-吉林省教育规划项目,2014-2017;
11. 梨树模式“病虫草害”数字化预警及其精准防控服务系统, 科技部,2022-2027, 88万元
12. 玉米大豆复合种植病虫害演替研究,农业部,2022-2022,25 万元
13. 吉林省乡村地区病虫害数字化预警和减灾防灾服务系统,吉林省科技厅,2022-2024,20万元。
14. 吉林省保护性耕作病虫草长期定位监测基地,吉林省农业农村厅,2021-2026,30万元。
1. Chen, R. Z., L. B. Li, M. G. Klein, Q. Y. Li, P. F. Li, and C. F. Sheng.. 2016. Captures of Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) with various traps baited with sex pheromone in NE China corn and soybeans. Environment Entomology.4: 687-693.
2. Chen, R. Z., M. G. Klein, Q. Y. Li, and C. F. Sheng. 2015. Does second generation Asia corn borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) immigrate to corn fields from alternate habitats? Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology. 4: 687-693
3. Chen, R. Z., M. G. Klein, C. F. Sheng, Q. Y. Li, Y. Li, L. B. Li, and X. Hung. 2014. Mating disruption or mass trapping, compared with chemical insecticides, for suppression of Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in China. Journal of Economic Entomology. 2014, 5: 1828-1838
4. Chen, R. Z., M. G. Klein, Q. Y. Li, and Y. Li. 2014. Mass Trapping Popillia quadriguttata Using Popillia japonica (Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae) Pheromone and Floral Lures in China. Environment Entomology. 3: 774-781.
5. Chen, R. Z.,M. G. Klein,Y. Li,Q. Y. Li,and C. F. Sheng. 2014. Japanese beetle lures used alone or combined with structurally related chemicals to trap NE China scarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology. 1 7: 871-877.
6. Chen, R. Z., M. G. Klein., C. F. Sheng, Y. Li, D. X. Shao, and Q. Y. Li. 2013. Use of pheromone timed insecticide applications integrated with mating disruption or mass trapping against Ostrinia furnacalis (Génuéé) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in sweet corn. Environment Entomology. 42: 1390-1399.
7. Chen, R. Z., M. G. Klein, Y. Li, Q. Y, Li, and C. F. Sheng. 2013. Male and female Popillia quadriguttata (Fabricius) and Protaetia brevitarsis (Lewis) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) response to Japanese beetle foral and pheromone lures. Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology. 16: 479-484.
8. Chen, R. Z., and M. G. Klein. 2012. Efficacy of insecticides against the rice stem-borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), and use of sex pheromones to more accurately time the yearly application. International Journal of Pest Management. 58: 354-3601.
9. Chen, R. Z., and Y. Li. 2011. A novel plant volatile attractant scheme to protect corn in China from the white-spotted flower chafer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae). Journal of pest science. 84: 327- 335.
10. Chen. R. Z., C. K. Jow, M. G. Klein, Y.D. Jia, D.Y Zhang., and L. B. Li. 2017. Sex Pheromone Dosages and Release Point Densities for Mating Disruption of Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera:Crambidae) in NE China Corn Fields. Environmental Entomology. 46:916-925
11. Han, X., Y. Wang, L. S. Kai, J, Ai, and R. Z. Chen*. 2020. A new Leipothrix Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) infesting Actinidia fruit trees in Jilin province, Northeastern China. International Journal of Acarology. 46: 479-488.
12. Han, X, R. Z. Chen*, L. B. Li, X. Wei, X. M. B. Qu, M. G. Klein*, and K. Q. Wang. 2020. Phylogenetic relationships and biological features reveal that male Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Northeast China can be categorized into postmedial line-based clades. Zootaxa. 4786953-68
13. Han, X., X. Zhang, T. L. Yang, and R. Z. Chen*. 2020. Description and population dynamics of a new eriophyoid mite (Acari: Prostigmata) on Euonymus maackii (Celastraceae),Systematic and applied acarology, (3)501-511.
14. Arzlan Abbas, Farman Ullah, Muhammad Hafeez , Xiao Han, Muhammad Zulqar Nain Dara, Hina Gul, and Chen R. Z. *, 2022, Biological Control of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, gronomy,https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112704
15. Han X., Chen. R. Z.*, and Hong. X. U*. 2022. Two new species of Eriophyidae from China (Acari: Eriophyoidea) with a list of bamboo-associated eriophyoid mites.Systematic and Applied Acarology, 27(4): 773–787 (2022)
16. Sohail Abbas1, Muneer Abbas, Amir Habib, Muhammad Saleem, Niaz Hussain, Muhammad Irshad, Mudassar Khaliq, Zubeda Parveen, rzlan Abbas, Xiao Han, Muhammad Jawad, Saleem, Chen Ri Zhao*. 2023, Key factors causing dengue fever in Bhakkar district, Punja province, Pakitan. Journal of Medical Entomology, Minor revision
主编:《药用植物保护学》----- 吉大出版社 --- 2014 ( 9万字 )
副主编:《农作物病虫害绿色防控技术指南》---吉大出版社 --- 2013 ( 3万字 )
《保护耕地中的“大熊猫”——黑土地生态修复》--- 吉林科学出版社 --- 2022
1. 一种昆虫迁移路线监测用红外裂隙灯及监测系统(ZL 2021 2 2257085.X),2022
2. 秸秆全量还田覆盖条件下白星花金龟子高效诱捕装置(ZL 2020 2 3012938.5),2021
3. 保护性耕作玉米田内鳞翅目害虫性诱捕装置(ZL 2021 2 3012923.9),2021
4. 保护性耕作玉米田内玉米螟雄蛾发生量的监测预警装置(ZL 2021 2 3025088.2),2021
5. 一种农业耕种环境参数测报系统(ZL 2022222296366),2022
6. 一种虫情测报系统(ZL202222302222.1),2022