张波,女,博士,硕士导师,美国农业部访问学者,现就职于吉林农业大学植物保护学院,主要从事菌物分类学及分子系统学研究。为中国菌物学会裸菌专业委员会和菌物多样性及系统专业委员会副主任委员。发现并命名描述了1个新属,54个新物种;发表论文90篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者在《Journal of Fungi》《Frontiers in microbiology》和《Mycokeys》等期刊上发表SCI论文29篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项(青年基金1项,面上基金2项),科技部重点研发项目子课题1项,吉林省科技发展计划项目2项,主持横向科研课题3项,参与完成国家食用菌产业体系课题等40余项;参与完成著作4部,主译著作1部,参与获得教育部教学成果一等奖1项,吉林省科技厅一等奖1项,吉林省发明奖一等奖1项,吉林省技术成果奖3等奖1项;申请软件著作权4件,参与发明专利3项
1999/9–2003/7, 吉林农业大学, 本科学生,获得农学学士学位
2004/9–2007/7, 吉林农业大学, 硕士研究生, 获得农学硕士学位
2013/6–2018/7, 吉林农业大学, 博士研究生, 获得农学博士学位
2007/9-2015/1, 吉林农业大学, 农学院, 实验师
2015/1-至今, 吉林农业大学, 农学院, 硕士生导师,高级实验师
1.国家食用菌产业技术体系(cars24)国家农业部项目, 2016-2020, 350万元,在研,参加人。
2.基于个体发育与DNA条形码的发网菌目黏菌代表类群系统发育研究(31770012)国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2018-2021,60万元,结题,主持
3.白腐菌漆酶高产菌株的筛选及其对秸秆的降解机制研究(20190201026JC), 2019-2021,15万元,在研,主持
4.中国发网菌科黏菌分类及分子系统学研究(31400011)国家自然科学基金青年基金, 2015-2017,22万元,结题
5. 白柄菌属及其相近属黏菌系统分类学研究(31970020),国家自然科学基金面上,2020-2023,58万,在研,主持
1. Bo Zhang, Saiyu Wang, Xiaoqi Xu, Tianhao Li, Dan Dai, Yu Li. Identification of the new species Comatricha macrospora and two other recently recorded species of Comatricha from China. Phytotaxa, 374 (1): 071–079, 2018
2. Dan Dai, Bo Zhang, Yu Li. Life cycle of the myxomycete Collaria arcyrionema. Sydowia, 70:52-57, 2018
3. Li Yanshuang, Zhang Bo, Li Yu.First Report of Physarella oblonga on Lentinula edodes in China. Plant disease, 101(12):2146, 2018
4. Zhang Bo,Li Yanshuang, Li Yu.First Report of a New Myxogastria(Stemonaria longa) Causing Rot Disease on Shiitake Logs (Lentinula edodes) in China. Plant disease, 102(5): 1032,2018
5. Shicui Jiang, Bo Zhang, Yanshuang Li, Yu Li. De novo assembly and annotation of Didymium iridis transcriptome and identification of stage-specfic genes.Biologia, 72(4): 393-402, 2018
6. Chen YY, Wang M, Zhang B, Cui BK. Neoalbatrellus odorus sp. nov. (Albatrellaceae, Russulales) from Southwest China. Phytotaxa, 309(3);217-228, 2017
7. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. A new Stemonitis species and a new record of Elaeomyxa from China, Phytotaxa, 323(1): 083-087, 2017
8. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. A new species, Stemonitis sichuanensis, and a newly recorded species, Stemonitis marjana (Myxogastria) from China, Phytotaxa, 258(2): 195–199, 2016
9. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. Identification of a new species, Trichia macrospora, and a newly recorded species, T. flavicoma (Myxogastria), in China, Phytotaxa, 267(2): 179–184, 2016.
10. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. A new species and two new records of Stemonitidaceae from China, Phytotaxa, 267(2):151–155, 2016
11. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. A new species and two new records of Stemonitidaceae from China, Phytotaxa, 26(2):234–238, 2016
12. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. A new record of the genus Calonema, with the new species Calonema gansuence from China. Phytotaxa 212 (2): 169–172, 2015
13. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. Dictydiaethalium dictyosporangium sp. nov. from China. Mycotaxon, 129(2): 455–458, 2014.
14. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. Dianema macrosporum, a new Myxomycete species from northern China. Sydowia 65 (1): 21–26, 2013.
15. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. Stemonaria liaoningensis, sp. nov. (Myxomycetes, Stemonitidaceae) from northern China. Sydowia, 64 (2): 329–333, 2012.
16. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. Craterium corniculatum sp. nov. from northwestern China. Mycotaxon, 126: 71–75, 2013.
17. Bo Zhang, Yu Li. Myxomycetes from China 16: Arcyodes incarnata and Licea retiformis, newly recorded for China. Mycotaxon, 122: 157–160, 2012.
18. Bo Zhang, Tianhao Li, Qi Wang, Yu Li. Myxomycetes from China 15: Arcyria galericulata sp. nov. 6)Mycotaxon, 120: 401–405, 2012.
19. Dai D, Okorley B A, Li Y, et al. Life cycles of myxogastria Stemonitopsis typhina and Stemonitis fusca on agar culture[J]. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2020, 67(1): 66-75.
20. Zhang B, Ma H, Li Z, et al. A new species of Craterium (Myxomycetes, Physaraceae) growing on living grass and new records of the genus from China[J]. Phytotaxa, 2020, 443(1): 13-18.
21. Hu J J, Li Y, Li X, et al. New findings of Neonothopanus (Marasmiaceae, Basidiomycota) from Ghana[J]. Phytotaxa, 2021, 512(1): 57–67-57–67.
22. Li YS, Zhang B, Dai D, et al. Expression and localization of adreno-corticotropic-hormone (ACTH) and NeuN in myxomycete plasmodia[J]. Materials Express, 2021, 11(8): 1373-1380.
23. Hu J J, Zhao G P, Tuo Y L, et al. Morphology and molecular study of three new Cordycipitoid fungi and its related species collected from Jilin Province, northeast China[J]. MycoKeys, 2021, 83: 161.
24. Rao G, Dai D, Zhao H N, et al. Two new psathyrelloid species of Coprinopsis (Agaricales, Psathyrellaceae) from China[J]. MycoKeys, 2021, 83: 85.
25. Rao G, Hu J J, Zhang Z H, et al. Gerhardtia foliicola (Agaricales, Lyophyllaceae), a specific dweller on leaf litter from northern China[J]. Nova Hedwigia, 2021,113(3-4): 491-505.
Received April 23,2021 accepted August 8, 2021
26. Wang Y, Tuo Y L, Wu D M, et al. Exploring the Relationships between Four New Species of Boletoid Fungi from Northern China and Their Related Species[J]. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8(3): 218.
27. Tuo Y, Rong N, Hu J, et al. Exploring the Relationships between Macrofungi Diversity and Major Environmental Factors in Wunvfeng National Forest Park in Northeast China[J]. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8(2): 98.
28. Hu J, Zhao G, Tuo Y, et al. Morphological and Molecular Evidence Reveal Eight New Species of Gymnopus from Northeast China. Journal of Fungi, Journal of Fungi. 2022, 8(4): 349.
29. Zhao GP, HuJJ, Tuo YL, Li Y, Zhang B. Two new species of Craterellus (Cantharellales, Hydnaceae) with veined hymenophore from northeastern China. MycoKeys, 2022, 91: 97-111
30. Hu J J, Song L R, Tuo Y L, et al. Multiple evidences reveal new species and a new record of smelly Gymnopus (Agaricales, Omphalotaceae) from China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 3044.
31. Hu J J, Zhao G P, Tuo Y L, et al. Ecological Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Macrofungi from Eastern Mountainous Areas to the Central Plains of Jilin Province, China. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8(8): 871.
32. Hu, J.J, Song, L. R., Tuo, Y. L., Zhao, G. P., Lei, Y., Zhang, B., & Li, Y. Multiple evidences reveal new species and a new record of smelly Gymnopus (Agaricales, Omphalotaceae) from China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022,3044.
33. Hunan Zhao, Gu Rao, Xinya Yang, Xiao Li, Hai-long Yu, Bo Zhang, Yu Li. Two new species of Diderma (Physarales, Didymiaceae) from northern China. Phytotaxa. 2022
34. Zhengxiang Qi, Keqing Qian, Jiajun Hu, Yang Wang, Dongmei Wu, Neng Gao, Peisong Jia, Zhenhao Zhang, Bo Zhang, Yu Li. A new species and new records species of Pluteus from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. P.J. 2022
35. Y Wang, LY Wang, D Dai, ZX Qi, ZH Zhang, YJ Liu et al. Scrutinizing the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Boletaceae: a new genus, two new species, and a new northern China record. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023 13: 5186.
36. 李丹, 张波, 李玉. 高产漆酶菌株的筛选及其对秸秆降解初探. 吉林农业科学, 2013, (06):90~94
37. 李丹, 张波, 李玉. 高产漆酶菌的筛选及对污水中萘降解的研究, 安徽农业科学, 2013, (22): 9179~9182+9185
38. 张波, 冀瑞卿, 田恩静, 刘朴, 李晓. 应用生物科学(食药用菌方向)专业实验课教改初探. 教育教学论坛, 2013, 14:
1.李天昊,阮长春, 张波,杜文梅,王秀梅,万军,刘显娇,宋丽威,一种柞蚕卵繁育螟黄赤眼蜂的增效处理方法,2014.11.24,中国,ZL201310364247.7
2.李天昊,阮长春,孙光芝, 张波,一种仓储昆虫垂直迁移特性调查方法及装置,2013.6.19,中国,ZL201210020528.6
3.阮长春,邵玺文,李天昊,臧连生,张俊杰, 张波,杜文梅,王秀梅,刘志,刘显娇,一种柞产卵繁育松毛虫赤眼蜂的光环境调控方法,2012.12.25,中国,ZL201210347373.7
4.李天昊,阮长春,孙光芝,臧连生,张俊杰,王秀梅,杜文梅, 张波,刘志,一种寄生性天敌昆虫可持续释放方法,2013.7.24,中国,ZL201210074834.8
1. 张波 (主译),蘑菇博物馆,北京大学出版社,2017
2. 张波(参编),菌物资源学, 中国农业出版社,2013