E-mail: haozhang100@163.com
2001.09-2004.06 吉林农业大学农药学硕士
2008.2-2008.8 Univ.of Illinois,Visiting Scholar
2014.12-2015.3 Univ.of Manitoba, Senior Researcher
1986.07-1999.09 吉林农业大学资源与环境学院 助教,讲师
1999.09-2005.12 吉林农业大学资源与环境学院 副教授
2006.01-2016.12 吉林农业大学资源与环境学院 教授四级
2017.1-至今 吉林农业大学植物保护学院 教授三级,二级
2.吉林省科技发展计划项目(20230202020NC),促生抗病降解农药多功能微生物资源挖掘及其应用技术研究 ,2023.1-2025.12,主持
3.长春市重点研发计划项目(21ZGN12),黑土地主要农药残留污染微生物修复关键技术研究与示范,2021.10-2023.10 主持
4.吉林省科技发展计划项目(20200201215JC),变栖克雷伯氏菌对莠去津降解机制及其残留污染生物修复研究2020.1-2022.12 主持
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,吉林克雷伯氏菌高效降解氯嘧磺隆作用机制的研究(31672025,2017-2020),主持
7. 国家重点研发计划两减专项课题,农药在北方玉米种植体系中流失区域差异与限量标准(2016YFD0200203-1,2017-2020),子课题主持
8. 国家科技支撑计划项目,适应气候变化的盐碱地水田病虫害综合生态防控技术研究 (2013BAC09B01,2013-2016,子课题主持
1. 2021年获吉林省科技进步二等奖1项,黑土地有机污染物微生物修复及绿色食品生产关键技术研究与应用(第1)
2. 2023年获吉林省科技进步二等奖1项,农产品中重要危害物高效识别与快速检测关键技术创新及应用(第4)
1. Lining Zheng , Zhe Han , Shengyi Wang , Ao Gao , Ling Liu , Hongyu Pan , Hao Zhang* . Transcriptomic analysis and knockout experiments reveal the role of suhB in the biocontrol effects of Pantoea jilinensis D25 on Botrytis cinerea. Science of the Total Environmen, 919 (2024) 170771.
2. Qianhang Zhai, Shuanglan Zheng, Cheng Zhang, Zhou Lu, Shuang Liang, Ranhong Li, Xianghui Zhang, Hongyu Pan, Hao Zhang*. Kj-mhpC Enzyme in Klebsiella jilinsis 2N3 is Involved in the Degradation of Chlorimuron-ethyl via De-esterification. J. Agric. Food Chem.https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.3c08918 。
3. Lining Zheng ,Shengyi Wang; Xuehu Gu; Ao Gao; Ling Liu; Xian Wu; Hongyu Pan; Hao Zhang*. Pantoea jilinensis D25 enhances tomato salt tolerance via altering antioxidant responses and soil microbial community structure. Environmental Research. 243(2024),117846.
4. Yufeng Xiao , Lining Zheng , Zhe Han , Meiqi Dong , Liangpeng Sun , Zhou Lu , Ranhong Li , Hongyu Pan , Hao Zhang *. Examining the enrichment, domestication, degradation, and adaptive machanism of bacteria consortium YM2 for bioremediation of nicosulfuron wastewater . Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2024.
5. Yanan Tang, Qianhang Zhai, Zhengyi Zhang , Zhou Lu, Ranhong Li, Hao Zhang. Enhanced degradation of imazethapyr in soils by biochar-immobilized Bacillus marcorestinctum strain YN Decision on submission to Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology.Chemosphere. 351 (2024) 141178.
6.Lining Zheng , Xuehu Gu , Yufeng Xiao , Shengyi Wang , Ling Liu , Hongyu
Pan , Hao Zhang ,* Antifungal activity of Bacillus mojavensis D50 against Botrytis cinerea causing postharvest gray mold of tomato. Scientia Horticulturae 312 (2023) 111841
7. Zequn Pan , Yulin Wu , Qianhang Zhai , Yanan Tang , Xuewei Liu , Xuanwei
Xu , Shuang Liang * and Hao Zhang *. Immobilization of bacterial mixture of Klebsiella variicola FH-1 and Arthrobacter sp. NJ-1 enhances the bioremediation of atrazine-polluted soil environments. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2023, (1056264): 1-16 .
8.Qianhang Zhai, Cheng Zhang, Meng Zhang, Huilin Yu, Xuehu Gu, Xianghui Zhang, Hongyu Pan, Hao Zhang*. Colonization by Klebsiella variicola FH-1 Stimulates Soybean Growth and Alleviates the Stress of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. integrative Journal of Agriculture . Available online 18 January 2023.
9. Qianhang Zhai, Xueting Chen , Meng Zhang, Cheng Zhang, Zhengyi Zhang, Hongyu Pan, Hao Zhang,*, Fengjie Sun* . Immobilization of Klebsiella jilinsis strain 2N3 by Corn Straw Biochar Enhances the Degradation of Nicosulfuron and Alters the Soil Microbiome Function and Composition. Applied Soil Ecology 189 (2023) 104917 .
10. Haitao He, Qianhang Zhai, Yanan Tang, Xuehu, Gu, Hongyu Pan, Hao Zhang,*Effective biocontrol of soybean root rot by a novel bacterial strain Bacillus siamensis
HT1. Decision on submission to Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 125 (2023) 101984. Decision on submission to Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
11.Lining Zheng , Xuehu Gu , Liangpeng Sun , Meiqi Dong , Ao Gao , Zhe Han , Hongyu Pan , and Hao Zhang. Adding Metal Ions to the Bacillus mojavensis D50 Promotes Biofifilm Formation and Improves Ability of Biocontrol . J. Fungi 2023, 9, 526. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof9050526.
12.Yufeng Xiao , Lining Zheng , Shengyi Wang , Meiqi Dong , Ao Gao , Zhe Han , Shuang Liang , Hao Zhang. Biodegradation potential and mechanism of immobilized Bacillus cereus N1 with biochar on soybean soil contaminated by Metribuzin. Process Biochemistry 130 (2023) 520–533.
13.Xuehu Gu , Lining Zheng , Qianhang Zhai , Jing Sun , Haitao He , Yanan Tang , Shuang Liang , Hao Zhang* Optimization of fermentation medium for biocontrol strain Pantoea jilinensis D25 and preparation of its microcapsules. Process Biochemistry 121 (2022) 216–227.
14. Jinpeng Zhang, Xian Wu , Xianghui Zhang , Hongyu Pan , Julia E.S. Shearerd, Hao Zhang,Fengjie Sun ,Zn2+-dependent enhancement of Atrazine biodegradation by Klebsiella variicola FH-1. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125112.
15.Meng Zhang,Cheng Zhang, Huilin Yu, Hongyu Pan, Hao Zhang*,
Klebsiella jilinsis 2N3 promoting maize growth and inducing resistance to northern corn leaf blight. Biological Control . 156 (2021) 104554 .
16. Lining Zheng, Jinpeng Zhang, Xian Wu, Xuehu Gu, Shuanglong Wang, Hao Zhang1*, A novel biocontrol strain Pantoea jilinensisD25 for effective biocontrol of tomato gray mold (causative agent Botrytis cinerea). Biological Control 164 (2021) 104766
17. Chengyu Zhu, Cheng Zhang, Meng Zhang, Yulin Wu, Zhengyi Zhang, Hao Zhang*,Degradation characteristics and soil remediation of thifensulfuron-methyl by immobilized Serratia marcecens N80 beads. Environmental Technology & Innovation , 24 (2021) 102059 .
18. Lining Zheng, Cheng Zhang, Xian Wu, Ling Liu, Hao Zhang*, Efficacy assessment of Pantoea jilinensis D25 fermentation broth against Botrytis cinerea. Process Biochemistry 111(2021)241-248.
19. Sisheng Zhanga, Cheng Zhanga, Fengjie Sunb, Zhengyi Zhanga, Xianghui Zhangc , Hongyu Panc, Peng Sund, Hao Zhanga* . Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) catalyzes the degradation of Chlorimuron-ethyl by Klebsiella jilinsis 2N3. Science of the Total Environment. 729 (2020) 139075.
20. Xinhong Wang,Zhongbin Lu,Hannah Miller, Jinhua Liu,Zhiguang Hou, Shuang Liang, Xiaofeng Zhao, Hao Zhang*,Thomas Borch. Fungicide azoxystrobin induced changes on the soil microbime. Appied Soil Ecology. 145(2020)103343.
21. Jinpeng Zhang, Yuncheng Xu, Shuang Liang, Xiulan Ma, Zhongbin Lu, Peng Sun, Hao Zhang*, Fengjie Sun. Synergistic effect of Klebsiella sp. FH-1 and Arthrobacter sp. NJ-1 on the growth of the microbiota in the black soil of Northeast China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 190 (2020)110079.
1、发明专利,氯嘧磺隆降解酶Kj-GST、其编码基因Kj-gst及应用,ZL2020 专利号10077549.6
2、发明专利,《降解莠去津的克雷白杆菌FH-1及含有该菌株的土壤生物修复菌剂》,专利号 ZL 2018 11508814.0
3、发明专利,《一种生防菌Pantoea Jilinensis D25及其应用》,专利号 ZL 2020 10919605.6
4、吉林省地方标准 除草剂减量防除玉米田杂草技术规程(DB22/T 3446—2023)(第1)